You need skilled, passionate advocates who will defend you in the courtroom with everything they’ve got. At Proffitt & Associates, we fight tirelessly to protect and reunite your family as if it were our own. Here’s what to do in the event of a baseless child abuse investigation:
Get help right away
If you suspect you’re being investigated for child abuse, you need legal representation immediately. Without it, the fate of your family could be at the mercy of the system. Don’t wait until your children are taken from you.
Case workers are not your advocates. Their sole interest lies in protecting children, but even they can make mistakes. And we’ve seen firsthand just how devastating those mistakes can be.
With competent legal counsel at your side, you can respond with confidence, knowing that investigators will be held as accountable as you are.
You have rights
The inner workings of a child abuse investigation are complicated and difficult to follow, and most parents don’t fully understand the implications. The most important thing to know is that, as a parent, you are entitled to due process. Hiring legal counsel ensures that process is followed to the letter of the law.
If an investigation is taking place, document everything. If you’re interacting with investigators face-to-face or over the phone, record the conversation. It’s allowed under Texas law and can come in handy when you need to build a case.
We’ve been there
When you find yourself in a child welfare case, it’s crucial to get the help of an attorney who has seen it all.
At Proffitt & Associates, these cases aren’t just something we’ve read about or studied in law school. Our legal knowledge is backed by real, hard-hitting courtroom experience. Here’s a case where we took on Child Protective Services and got results for our client.
Let’s talk
Do you and your family need help? Do you need a legal professional in your corner? Get in touch with us today for a free one-hour consultation. The team at Proffitt & Associates will make sure you’re taken care of with capable, experienced hands. You can trust us when we say, we’ve got your back.